Corporate Wellness
Building Business Success by Applying IAT Principles
Positive Culture
Create an environment in which your employees feel heard, understood, and valued.
Communicate with employees and colleagues in a way that inspires motivation.
Gain a competitive advantage by learning how to teach and develop this critically significant, yet overlooked, skill.
Increase company employee retention, attendance, productivity, and profit margins.

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"Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything - for better or for worse."
Simon Sinek
Know Your People
Integrated Attachment Theory (IAT) is created and trademarked by Thais Gibson and is a theory of human development which includes the following components: Core Wounds/Core Beliefs; Personality Needs and Expectations; Emotional Patterns; Healthy Boundaries; Communication Patterns; and Coping Mechanisms.
A person's attachment style does not only impact personal relationships, but also significantly impacts a person's experience and performance within the work environment.
Understanding the needs of your employees is crucial to, not only their success, but the company's success as a whole. Pathways Counseling KC is certified in IAT and has adapted the core components into programming addressing corporate wellness and business success.
Leaders will learn how to identify specific needs of their employees and adopt effective communication skills in order to inspire growth.
Both leaders and employees will receive access to resources that will encourage their continued growth and development. A discount will be provided to anyone wishing to continue their career/personal development journey through individual sessions with PCKC.
Employees will learn how to identify their attachment style and gain awareness into how it impacts their work performance and interaction with others in the work environment.
Leaders (HR, Cultural Development Staff, etc) will be given access to consultation sessions when guidance is needed for specific situations and IAT implementation.
Corporate Wellness Specialist
Ready to see results? Contact a Corporate Wellness Specialist today.
Matt Rider
Corporate Wellness Director
Matt earned his MBA from Baylor University and is certified in Integrated Attachment Theory. He has over 30 years of experience in business leadership, encompassing a range of responsibilities and roles, as well as a variety of organization sizes.
His large, publicly-owned corporate experience includes: Walmart, QVC, AT&T Wireless, Sprint, and GoPuff. While his privately-owned experience includes DEMDACO, Cloud Inventory, Omnicom, Zoomin Market, and Eurostar.
In these roles, Matt has directed fulfillment, distribution, and manufacturing facilities. He piloted culture design and development for entrepreneurial ventures, consulted on start-ups, designed IT systems, and steered sales and marketing initiatives. He has guided RFQs, negotiating and authoring large corporate contracts. Matt also designed, implemented, and operated forward and reverse logistics networks. His purview has included teams of 50+ managers and 1700+ team members.
In each position, his focus has been on developing and growing leaders. Matt has now decided to turn his full-time attention towards the passion he held throughout each of these roles: guiding companies in strengthening leadership emphasis and training, while helping individuals succeed in their personal leadership journey.