Relationship Counseling
Did you know there is one factor that can predict the health, success, and longetivity of our relationships? This factor is our attachment style. Relationships are a crucial part of life, whether they're intimate, platonic, or familial. Our attachment style affects them all.
There are four different types of attachment styles: Secure, Anxious Preoccupied, Dismissive Avoidant, and Fearful Avoidant. These attachment styles develop throughout our life experiences, particularly throughout childhood, but can also be changed in adulthood. Each of these styles have their own "programming" on how to interact with others. These programs can be modified in order to promote healthy and fulfilling relationships. Without awareness and understanding of attachment styles, it can be as if each person in a relationship is playing a boardgame by following a different set of rules. This can cause a lot of turmoil and pain. It doesn't have to be this way.
Relationships can be extremely challenging at times, and yet, they are one of the most fulfilling aspects of life. Healthy relationships can be achieved! Laura is an internationally known expert in attachment styles and relationship dynamics. Schedule an appointment today to see how she can help you create the life that you want.